On this site you can find books about various Christian topics. These books contain the teaching about Christian spiritual journey, faith, spiritual grow, etc. The focus of the book is Jesus Christ as the Eternal Life and center of our faith. The pdf versions of the books are free to download. If you want the printed copies of these books, you can order them by clicking the link provided next to the book description.
We are the house church in Lithuania. If you want to know more about house churches, please visit the website Church WithOut Walls International-Europe.
NEWS. In addition, if you are interested in having fellowship with house churches around the world or in Europe, you can come to the International House Church Conference in Lithuania, which will take place on June 5 – 8, 2025. More information about conference you can find here.
We are the house church in Lithuania. If you want to know more about house churches, please visit the website Church WithOut Walls International-Europe.
NEWS. In addition, if you are interested in having fellowship with house churches around the world or in Europe, you can come to the International House Church Conference in Lithuania, which will take place on June 5 – 8, 2025. More information about conference you can find here.