Does God have a purpose? What He seeks in your life and where He leads you? After getting the answer to this question many remain at home spending their life in front of TV screen, however others - take the courage and begin the most important and wonderful journey in their life. This journey leads to His purpose. Indeed God has a purpose for your life. How to know it and reach it? This book describes the spiritual journey of Christians who are lead by the Holy Spirit in reaching the true purpose of God.
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What is God like? This question is asked by the small and the big, the rich and the poor, the smart and the stupid. Everyone has their own answer. But there is One who not only has the answer, but also the testimony. Jesus Christ has the testimony of God. What is He? This book describes the wonderful testimony about the Creator, which was opened and shown to us by His Son, Jesus Christ. Even today, the testimony of Jesus does not stop working and changing people's lives.
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This book is for the dreamers who occasionally dream about how wonderful it would be to live forever. It is also intended for practical people who are fed up with the world system's inability to solve problems and give answers to life's essential questions. This book is also intended for Christians who are tired of the rules of religious life, service and Christian routine, hiding a question mark inside themselves - "isn't that all, isn't life with Christ just church attendance, service, good behavior, doing good works and long discussions on doctrinal matters?"
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Am I called by God? How do I know if I am called and what works the Lord has planned in my life? Does God have some personal calling, plan and ministry for me? Is there room for God's glory, miracles, signs, and power in that plan? This book describes what vocations God has prepared for each person, how to hear the Lord's call and respond to it, how to see, accept, grow, fulfill and keep the personal call of God in your life.
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Is it possible to live in the Kingdom of Heaven now? For some Christians, life in the Kingdom of Heaven is still a mystery or an event that will only be fulfilled after death. But the Lord wants every Christian to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and live in it NOW. This book describes some of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven which, while publicly known, are often covered by a visible world.
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The purpose of this book is to help expand the eyes of our hearts, to understand God's heart and the plan for the spreading of His Kingdom, to receive other members of the body of Christ, to help one another, and to be and do what we are called to. Also, this book is devoted to the specific ministry to which God calls certain Christians. It is a ministry to heal the wounded and sick warriors of the Kingdom of God.
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Why are some Christians fruitful and others are not? Why do some carry thirtyfold, and others - a hundredfold harvest? What does it depend on? Why are some growing faster and others slower? How does the process of spiritual growth take place and how do eternal fruits appear in our lives? This book talks about how the Lord makes us grow, what happens in our lives during the various seasons of spiritual growth, what is necessary and most important, so that this process does not stop.
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